Welcome to Lapeer Area Entrepreneurs (LAE)

Local Businesses Helping Each Other Thru Community Involvement

LAE is a community of like minded business individuals that understand the importance of supporting our community in order to have a successful business. Thru this understanding we have established a group that is focused solely on the supporting of our local community, by giving back 100% of our Membership Donations to local support / non-profits that benefit our local community.

If we support our community, our community will support us. This is modeled by the quote from Jim Rohn, “Only by Giving, are you able to receive, More than you already have.”


We are excited to have launched our new group of like minded business individuals within the Lapeer Community. We are goal focused to join together to help our community as well as our fellow business members thru referral marketing and community service.

Stay tuned for more updates!